Your drivers have gone above and beyond in 2021!
A little special recognition will show them you truly want them to have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:
- Communicate personally and effectively. This goes beyond regular dispatches. The holiday season simply accentuates what is typically the most intense stress of truck-driving…being away from family. A verbal or written “thank you” goes way further than you may think, and your drivers deserve an extra one this time of the year.
- Offer recognition and bonuses regularly. There are endless studies that address both the pros and cons of employee bonuses. Explore what works with your specific team and consider the options. If quarterly financial bonuses increase their productivity, do it! If an additional day or two at home with the family is the reward that keeps them on task, do it!
- Create professional development opportunities with your drivers. Provide chances for your drivers to move up in your company and reap the reward of the time they are investing in their demanding career. Offering these opportunities sets up trucking companies to appeal to those drivers who want successful lifelong careers, not just a monthly paycheck.
- Provide comfortable and reliable rigs. An ergonomic seat with excellent lumbar support is a luxury that your drivers will treasure. How about a great sound system? A comfy bed? Storage bins? Making life on the road feel a little more like home removes some of the stress of the “office.” It communicates to your drivers that you truly care not only about their productivity, but their health and comfort as well.
- Give a gift this Christmas! Children aren’t the only ones who love to open something on Christmas morning! Consider one of the following:
- A snack basket for the road (knowing your drivers’ favorites goes a LONG way in conveying your appreciation!)
- A Bluetooth headset – more than just a great gadget, this shows your drivers that their desire to stay in touch with their loved ones is a priority to you as well.
- A blackout sleep mask – choose a high-quality one, designed specifically with adjustable eye cups, ensuring they block 100% of the light. Better quality sleep is a gift every driver desires!
ATC wishes you and your drivers a very Merry Christmas and a profitable New Year!